SimpleAcc is an accounting software to cater the daybook transactions for any type of business. This software includes Customer Ledger, Supplier Ledger, General Ledger, Daybook Transactions, Ledger View, A/C Statements and User Security Control.
App Demo
Maintain Account Ledgers Allows you to create ledgers for each accounts.
Ledger Types You can categorize the ledger as Customer (Debtors), Supplier (Creditors) and General
Daybook Transaction One and only Entry option to update your daybook
Daybook View View, export and print the your daybook transaction day by day or a given date range.
Account Trial View, export and print the Trial Balance for any given date. Even you can generate the trial balance by ledger category.
Account Statement View, export and print the ledger view or account statement of each ledger account for a given date range.
User Security Control This Apps has capable to create users with the required permission level.
Setup Fee (One Time) LKR 30,000/=
Subscription Fee (Annually) LKR 6,000/=
Warranty Up to 10 years extended warranty for subscription term.